
Reset: Video Games & Psychotherapy, 2nd Ed.

Ninety-seven percent of all adolescents in the US play video games, & more than half of the adults in this country play video games regardless of their race or income. The military has discovered that video games decrease symptoms of PTSD in veterans, and with the advent of the iPhone, mobile technology is making social media more prevalent than ever.

Despite these numbers, clinicians are reluctant and uncertain how or when to integrate technology into their work. When social media or technology is mentioned at all, it is only as an ethical risk or liability, never as a powerful innovation in social work. This is in part due to an age-old mistrust and disdain of technology which has its roots in issues of class and psychology. But despite this, psychotherapy has passed the point where learning about technology is negotiable.

In this book, psychotherapist Mike Langlois takes a fresh look at video games and technology, their impact on our lives, and what they could mean for the future of psychotherapy.

“This little book is a great antidote to the bad press that video games too often receive from psychologists. Mike Langlois describes himself as a game-friendly therapist. He is himself an avid gamer and he tells us, in a fresh, light-hearted style, about the emotional and cognitive benefits of gaming.”– Peter Gray, Author of  Free to Learn: Why Unleashing the Instinct to Play Will Make Our Children Happier, More Self-Reliant, and Better Students for Life

“This is a good book for all those therapists who know little or nothing about video games or the culture of gamers who spend a lot of time on-line playing games with other gamers. He does a good job introducing the topic, demonstrating the complexity of the gamers world. Gamers have their own language and social expectations. Far from isolated, gamers are imbedded in a community that has a level of interaction, loyalty and depth of intimacy that rivals urban neighborhood “homie” relationships. He argues that Its a culture that may require a therapist to research to make a credible relationship with committed gamers who come to therapy. He suggests enrolling in free demo memberships in popular games to build familiarity.”– David Earl Johnson, MSW, LICSW

“Very nice with a different kind of take on gaming. It’s written for people working in therapy, but you don’t need to do that to enjoy the reading and get som fresh insights to your own gaming. A great read, highly recommended.”– Thomas Arnroth

“If you think your kids or grandkids are addicted to video games, you need to read this book. Mike Langlois is a gamer and a therapist. What he has learned about the intersection of those two worlds is of great value to anyone trying to win or thrive in the game of life. What are your power-ups? Is this challenge a Solo Quest or an Escort Quest? What can your learn about someone–a child, a client, a friend–by asking about their in-game Avatar? How can you become an Epic Therapist?  This book is a little gem of insight and inspiration. Read it and level up!”– Len Edgerly, Kindle Chronicles

Buy it now on Amazon

 Here are some recent and earlier interviews and articles. Please contact Mike if you’d like permission to reprint or excerpt anything: